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New to Yoga

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Start from where you are.

Yoga isn't about what we wear or look like. It's not about making fancy shapes. It's about being us. Wearing our comfortable clothes. Turning up. Putting in the work.


In yoga you start from where you are, regardless of the state of your body or mind. Don’t think you need to be strong or flexible to start.  


People come to get stronger or more flexible, or to reduce stress or sleep better, to lose weight or tone up post pregnancy, even to shift depression or improve wellbeing.


Which class?


All of our classes (except Intermediate) are suitable for beginners. Just mention to your teacher before class that you’re new and support and modifications will be given to you.


Dependent on your fitness level, start with the classes marked 'Yoga' on the timetable and then try the 'Vinyasa' classes if you'd like more of a challenge.


Classes on the timetable listed as ‘Yoga’ and ‘Gentle Yoga’, are a great way to get moving in a more gentle way, they include breathing work, strength and mobility work.


If you’re looking for something a bit stronger than that would be a ‘Vinyasa’ or ‘Forrest Inspired’ class which are more flowing, have more intensity. There are more standing poses, stronger poses, maybe longer holds and they’re a little bit more cardiovascular.


The other option would be to go a step further with an ‘Ashtanga’ class, which is very cardiovascular. You’re definitely going to get sweaty!


Want or need something really restorative? Choose ‘Yin’ or ‘Restorative’ with long, slow stretches, giving your mind and body a complete release.


'Iyengar' is a great contributor or support to your usual practice. Great for working on precision and alignment and accessible for everyone at every stage of life. A great way to deepen and enhance your yoga practice.


Beginners Courses


If you'd feel more comfortable, you can join one of our regular courses for beginners. Designed for those completely new or just starting out, a great way to learn the basics of yoga and understand its benefits before joining a class.




Private Yoga Lesson


One hour with just you and a teacher can be hugely beneficial and is a great way to build confidence before joining a class.





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